Phil G (co-convenor)
Mt Rogers Landcare
Notes on nature and environment at Mt Rogers, ACT, by Rosemary Blemings, Landcare coordinator
First Landcare working bee for 2025
Mt Rogers in late November, and working bee Monday 2 December
Here’s a list of the species recorded from Mt Rogers during this last week of November.
- Unidentified gall of Acacia sp. (unconfirmed) gall on a Wattle tree’s branch
- Vulpes vulpes (unconfirmed) Likely Fox den
- Vombatus ursinus (Common wombat, Bare-nosed Wombat) Possible Wombat poo
- Clematis leptophylla (unconfirmed) Native climber.
- Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus (unconfirmed) Native Bindweed
- Hedera helix (unconfirmed) Ivy - invasive species
- Lonicera japonica (unconfirmed) Honeysuckle - invasive species
- Chrysocephalum semipapposum (unconfirmed) Native Daisy with ‘button’ flowers
- Vittadinia cuneata (unconfirmed) Low-growing native Daisy.
- Microlaena stipoides (unconfirmed) A native grass species
- Poa sieberiana (Poa Tussock) Native grass species
- Tricoryne elatior (unconfirmed) Native Yellow Rush Lily
- Tricoryne elatior (unconfirmed)
- Viburnum tinus (unconfirmed) Viburnum - invasive species
- Hypericum perforatum (unconfirmed) St John’s Wort - invasive species.
- Lomandra sp. (A Matrush) grass-like rush.
- Acacia doratoxylon (unconfirmed) A Wattle species.
Monday 4 November - carrying on, from 9am
On Monday 4 November, we shall meet again at Mildenhall Place, Fraser, at 9am. The plan is to continue our 'wander and weed' approach.
Last time we met (Sunday 27th) many young privets and ivies, and a few cotoneaster and briar rose seedlings (and a few other invaders) ended up lying on the ground (rather than in it) by the time our two hours wandering was up!
As usual, gaiters are available to be borrowed, and a few tools. Bring your own hat and gloves, sturdy footwear, and possibly a water bottle.
Sunday 27 October, meeting at 9am
This coming Sunday we shall take a purposeful “wander and weed” to the various higher diversity areas of Mt Rogers. We shall aim to find and destroy Fleabane and other recent irruptions such as 'sticky weed' (aka 'cleavers' or 'goose grass').
Meet at Mildenhall Place, Fraser, at 9 am.October Monday working bee on 14th October
In view of the forecast strong and gusty winds we have decided to
postpone the Landcare session (that would normally have been on Monday 7th)
until Monday 14th October.
Landcare on Sunday 22 September
There will be a Landcare session on Sunday 22nd September from 09.30 am,
meeting at Mildenhall Place, Fraser.
If you have mini-mattocks please bring them as the soil has dried out compared to months ago when we began this preventative weeding process.
We have some pairs of gaiters available.
Thank you,
Working bee for tomorrow 2 September CANCELLED
The Landcare session scheduled for Monday 2 September has been cancelled because of the forecast of wild windy weather.
We may reschedule the session for Monday 9 September. Check nearer the time.