Spring beauty, and weeding on Monday 2 October

I found over 40 of these Fringed Lilies in the reserve yesterday. Each flower would fit on a 5c piece and the plants twine through or over other plants so the flowers can reach the sun.

Our Monday 2nd  weeding session will begin from Wickens Place, Fraser at 09.00am. 
We have been pulling-digging out privet and ivy seedlings but now is the time to pull out Sticky Weed when we come across it in the reserve or in our gardens….i.e. before the plants produce the seed capsules that stick to clothing, laces, shoes and skin.


Next working-bees for Mt Rogers

Our scheduled working bees are on Sunday 24th September and Monday 3rd October

Each will begin at 09.00am at this stage.

On Sunday 24th we’ll meet at Mildenhall Place, Fraser.

We’ll continue pulling out or minimal-digging the weed species we come across. We expect to find seedlings of Fleabane and Thistles that have germinated early during the increasingly warm spring weather.

We have gloves and gaiters available as well as the appropriate tools.

Please dress for the expected weather including a wide-brimmed hat. And bring water to drink.

Snakes are enjoying the sunny days. Please be aware for yourselves and dogs, that they could be moving through any areas of the 65 hectare reserve seeking prey or water.


Mt Rogers Landcare Group.