Mt Rogers on Monday December 6th, 9am - Euphorbia

Seven people made a difference in the reserve on Sunday 28th November. There were two apologies. Thank you Colette, Grace, Kerri-Ann, Phil, Roger and Ted. 

Three volunteers, wearing sturdy, waterproof gloves began an attack on a large and tall patch of Euphorbia on the eastern side of the reserve. Two waist-high piles of debris may be visible to observant walkers. 

Four of us spoiled the reproduction chances of flowering St John’s Wort (SJW) and Flatweed, bagging the flowers. 
We also pulled up Fleabane, and seedling SJW. 

Cotoneaster and Briar roses were cut and daubed, as were any emerging African Love Grass tussocks that Ted came across. 

Our results were less obvious as we walked across country to ‘Cryptandra patch’ treating the target invasive species as we walked. We achieved our aim of pulling out potential problems whilst the ground was damp enough, working outwards from the centre one of the best areas of Mt Rogers vegetation.
Cryptandra being visited by a Meadow Argus butterfly in September. 

On Monday 6th December we’ll revisit the Euphorbia by meeting at 09.00am where the easement between Spence and Melba brings people up to the reserve. I usually park in Hammett Place, Spence and walk up from there. 


Notes, and notice: Working bees on Sunday 28 November 9am & Monday 6 December

            In spite of occasional light showers as I walked through the reserve there was quite a flurry of bird activity including at least 5 Superb Parrots feeding from the flowering eucalypts. 

Here’s a reward for our volunteers' painstaking work against the rocks-dumper’s activities a month ago. There were four of these Fringed Lilies in bloom at ‘Bridget’s’ yesterday. 
All four plants were in the area landcarers cleared of garden debris. 

             Steve’s work against the African Lovegrass ‘near’ the red gate is remarkable

For our next two Mt Rogers sessions:
On Sunday 28th November the WORKING BEE volunteers will meet at Mildenhall Place, Fraser at 09.00am. 
Ted has highlighted a patch of Euphorbia to behead and bag and then pull out.
There are also Verbascum and Fleabane to attend too.
And detailed weeding near the Cryptandra patch all tasks we could walk and weed to if enough people are able to be there.
   Monday 6th December will be the final scheduled working-bee for 2021 and we’ll likely meet at Rechner Place, Flynn for another walk and weed session against weeds threatening the best quality areas in the south-west of the reserve. 
   Also 09.00 unless the temperatures hav significantly risen by the. 

   In each case please bring secateurs for beheading target species as I’m not sure how many pairs the Landcare group still has. 



Mt Rogers working bee MONDAY 1 NOVEMBER

Dear Landcarers

In theory there are three more scheduled working bees before the end of 2021:

Monday 1st November
Sunday 28th November
Monday  December 6th

But there have been Covid 19 disruptions interfering with official sessions. 
Individuals have continued to make valued and low-key contributions all year including observing wildlife and finding weed patches needing attention. 

We held a weeding and rocks removal session on Sunday 24th October about which there will be more later.

On Monday 1st November a few of us will gather at 09.00hrs at the Wickens Place carpark  for a couple of hours. There’s a group of woody weeds Phil and Ted began working on Sunday 24th and we’ll also be on the look out for Paterson’s Curse.
The patch of Euphorbia between the  Bingley Crescent bus stop and Woodger Place has been reported to TCCS for urgent treatment before the seeds set. 

The flower-heads are greenish yellow. There are several species that have taken off with the rehydrated soils we had (until these windy days began to change things) 
It’s a popular novelty for gardens as it’s so unusual but the seeds readily disperse. Most species came from Europe originally.
If you have these plants always wear gloves when handling them as the poisonous, milky sap is caustic and can affect sensitive skin. 

For the 28th November we’ll have a separate notice and details of meeting place.

Landcare group coordinator

Mt Rogers News, July 2021

Working bees
The Landcare Group’s next working bees are scheduled for Sunday 25th July and Monday 2nd August. We will be looking amongst the grasses for the soft-leaved Verbascum rosettes, having found they often dig out fairly easily and without too much soil disturbance now the ground is wet. We’ll meet at Schwarz Place’s eastern arm at 09.30 on 25th.

Bird sightings
Chris and I have seen Scarlet Robins on separate occasions. I’m not sure if the Robins' numbers are down for this winter spent on and around Mt Rogers. They move to the high country in early spring in order to nest there, but how many of these species that make those seasonal migrations were caught up in the devastating fires may still be unknown. A couple of weeks ago I saw a group of Choughs scrabbling away beside the trunk of an old tree east of the Notice Box. They are fun to watch and a bit like a flock of chooks with a definite sense of humour. Any time now there will be insectivorous bird activity in the flowering Cootamundra Wattles as the seek out any invertebrates that are amongst the yellow blossoms when the sun has warmed them up.  

Rain events during this wet winter show how the water flows from Mt Rogers’ ridge-line both over the currently saturated ground and by seeping out from under vegetation. Phil’s run-offs are effectively channelling water away from cross-country paths and tracks and into the landscape. The water reaches Ginninderra Creek and eventually the Murrumbidgee River.

There are many streets in Flynn, Fraser, Spence and Melba where water is also draining down under or between houses. Perhaps some of these seepages are following ancient routes that would once have watered Grassy Woodland, ancient eucalypts, Native and Rocky grasslands and the shrubs and wildflowers of diverse pre-grazing habitats. Once in the streets’ drains the stormwater makes its way, piped, towards Ginninderra Creek. Waterwatch volunteers regularly test its quality, oxygen levels and temperature.

You’ll have driven past the ‘new’ rain-garden and wetlands at Florey, Evatt and Melba. Their plants act as filters taking chemicals and fine particles out of the stormwater from the suburbs’ drains before the water can enter the creek. In reality, all the stormwater drains that serve the suburbs need wetlands for filtration and to slow the water down. Fast flowing water causes the erosion of creek banks and, surely, downstream residents shouldn’t have to drink some of the fluids that leave our properties. See ‘H2OK: Keeping our Waterways healthy’ (at 

  Evatt wetlands (left and below).

You can just see the Dam wall of Lake Ginninderra (i.e.Ginninderra Drive) at the extreme left of this photo.

I was watching a video about the River Wye that runs along the border between England and Wales, the other day. The river’s aquatic life is being killed by pollution from poultry and pig farms. Chemicals from the animals’ dung are washed into the Wye. There are regulations against this but insufficient resources to ensure compliance. Fertilisers from our gardens can have similarly toxic effects here, causing algal blooms in waterways.

From our gardens
Until this last year the Landcare volunteers were able to cautiously rejoice that the majority of ‘woody weed’ species could be seen growing in people’s gardens rather than in the Mt Rogers reserve. Once the drought broke and the seed bank in the rehydrated soil was stimulated, germination of these dormant seeds reached epic proportions. The numbers of annual and biennial weed plants reached trillions. Simultaneously native orchids, lilies, daisies astounded naturalists by appearing in large numbers or in places where they’d never been sighted before.

The trees and shrubs in gardens responded to the rain by producing millions of flowers that fed thousands of pollinators. Neighbours’ gardens and suburban laneways have berries of all colours; red, orange, black-purple, yellowy green, black and steel blue. Silvereyes, rosellas, currawongs, starlings, Indian Mynas, King Parrots, Bowerbirds – species both native and introduced – have feasted on these berries. Some bird species enhance seeds’ chances as the fruits make their way through digestive systems; others crush the seed beyond viability. There will be plenty of woody weed seedlings germinating from birds’ poo that is dropped into the reserve.

This was taken at Strathnairn but some in our Belconnen gardens look almost as inviting…..if you’re a bird!!

Fortunately, our Landcare community ‘rolls with the punches’ and we continue to enjoy each other’s company as we tackle weeds found in the high-quality vegetation areas. We work from the centre outwards, treating each invasive species methodically, based on shared expertise.   

Resources for Landcare & Ginninderra Catchment Group
On 24th June, Landcare volunteers received this message from Kat McGilp, who is the co-ordinator of Ginninderra Catchment Group.

 “It has recently been announced that the ACT Government's commitment to funding the three Catchment Groups for four years was confirmed by Minister Vassarotti in the Legislative Assembly early today.
The annual funding amounts are yet to be finalised, but it has been indicated that each catchment group will receive base funding, as well as Waterwatch and Frogwatch funding.” 

The vital news is that this funding seems to be assured for 4 years, meaning that the Catchment Groups’ ecology and land management-trained staff won’t have to spend hours seeking funding as the end of each financial year approaches. The commitment also indicates that there is some acknowledgement, in senior government ranks, that the landcaring we do on land that is not part of Canberra Nature Park’s reserve system is as important as the ‘parkcaring’ done by our volunteering ParkCare colleagues. ParkCare groups work just like we do in landcare, but they are on land in the Canberra Nature Parks – which have held higher conservation status for decades.

There are three catchment groups in the ACT. Each is an umbrella organisation advising and supporting the hundreds of volunteers who care for open spaces and waterways’ corridors that were initially mainly important for hosting utilities such as powerlines, roads, paths, sewer lines.

As people made time to explore beyond their homes and beyond the Canberra Nature Park (CNP) Hills and Ridges that frame Australia’s bush capital, they discovered remnant woodlands, residual Natural Temperate Grasslands, groups of boulders that protect native species, and views and creek-lines that revealed how Indigenous peoples had thrived on and travelled through Country for millennia prior to colonisation.

People from all walks of life became informal landcarers and citizen scientists, emerging with native species lists, weed lists, tools to tackle the most invasive species and, occasionally, with family projects to plant, build cubbies, make extra tracks and commemorate loved ones. They’d discovered local places where recording and conserving cultural, natural and inspirational treasures was as important as collecting data from the CNP gazetted reserves managed by the ACT Parks and Conservation Service.  

The ACT’s open spaces, smaller reserves and some riverine corridors are managed by land managers from TCCS (Transport Canberra & City Services). Ginninderra Catchment Group (GCG) supports volunteers working on the TCCS-managed lands where rainwater drains into Ginninderra Creek. There are TCCS rangers or Coordinators who provide liaison and links between GCG’s landcaring volunteers and the ACT Government’s processes and personnel.

For mobile fauna species and the plants whose pollen, spores and seeds they disperse it’s vital that areas of bush and complex habitats are of appropriate size and shape and that they’re not disconnected from other similar areas. For native animals and plants, consistent and respectful landcaring suited to their habitats’ needs will help them thrive and reach their potential. Healthy habitats and ecosystems bring enormous benefits to the reserves’ thousands of visitors and appreciators.   

‘Engaged communities for healthy habitats’ is GCG’s motto. There’s a brochure with a map of the catchment available through me (ph 6258 4724) or via GCG (ph 6278 3309 in office hours) if you’d like to see the extent of our habitat and find out where the Landcare Groups are located.

Rosemary.  21.07.21 

Mt Rogers news, May 2021

Our next morning Landcare working bees: Sunday 23rd May & Monday 7th June.

 The initial effects of the La Nina weather patterns brought wondrous displays of native wildflowers to Mt Rogers and other natural open spaces as a result of rehydrated soils. We found flowers not noticed before in the reserve including orchids and lilies. The same happened around our region and in our gardens in that plants put on exceptional growth. Birds seemed to respond similarly and some species raised a second brood of chicks. Let’s hope there were enough insects to feed the young insectivorous birds whilst leaving enough for the invertebrates’ own life cycles and their futures.

As we observed the floral displays, often in miniature as is normal with many Australian species, it soon became apparent that thousands of seedlings were colouring the ground green. Millions of seeds have been “lying in wait” in the soil’s seed bank for the re-hydration and warmth of Sprummer 2020–2021. The seeds germinated into an invasion of weed species that swamped the native plants, visually and possibly biologically.  

It was disheartening to realise that we hadn’t “won the battle” against Paterson’s Curse. The sheer volume of weed ‘biomass’ meant that it was unwise and daunting to move into the wilder parts of Mt Rogers without gaiters, snake bandages and a mobile phone. What weeding impact could be achieved when we couldn’t see where we were going or know where next to tread?

As ever, the active Landcare volunteers have enjoyed conversations with you, the Mt Rogers community, and welcomed the hundreds of newcomers to the reserve met during the mostly co-operative summer weather.

 The Mt Rogers Landcare Group’s most recent working bees were on Sunday 25th April and Monday 3rd May. For each of the events we worked in the reserve north of the houses of Schwarz Place, Flynn. This area was the second Mt Rogers section to be subjected to a Hazard Reduction Burn (HRB), the date being April 2018. With the burn’s ash increasing the nutrients in the reserve’s thin and rocky soils, any seeds in the seed bank only needed good rain to encourage germination and seedlings’ growth. As we’ve seen everywhere the drought-ending La Nina event has re-hydrated the soils providing a massive flowering and growth event for plants.

Our target species were Cootamundra Wattle saplings and Black Nightshade, Solanum nigrum (shown in this photo)

Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra Wattle) is local to the Cootamundra area and was widely planted before its invasiveness became known. The attractive species also has a reputation for being ‘short-lived’. Whilst this may be true it’s not characteristic of all the 700+ wattle species.

These trees provide pollen to attract pollinators: the pollen and the seeds are food for a range of species. Insects amongst the wattles’ foliage are eaten by small birds. Shelter is provided for them and ant species nurturing the larvae of specific butterfly species. Even when dead there are borers and other invertebrate larvae under the wattles’ bark that feed strong-billed cockatoos. The birds can apparently hear the hidden larvae. Perhaps they also see the signs of trees under stress.

Fire heats Acacia seed capsules, causing the pods to twist and release the seeds onto the ashy ground. Thousands of seedlings germinate. We’ve already been through the reserve's burnt areas several times pulling out the seedlings. Phil counted 353 during one of his pulling sessions. Pulling is easiest when the soil is moist, and it reduces the need to use herbicide. We cut down the larger saplings, very close to the soil. If left, the Cootamundra Wattles would create a monoculture with little space for other species. There are several other species of Acacias in the reserve’s 65 hectares ensuring the enrichment of soils and other plants’ healthy growth through their roots’ nitrogen-fixing properties.

The Nightshade plants’ berries (see the photo above) are attractive to birds, including Crimson Rosellas. We pulled the plants and made several large, dense piles, working on the principle that all their berries would fall in the same place if they did ripen (see next two photos). There are several native nightshade species occurring in southern Australia. Another Solanum, the Kangaroo Apple has attracted the attention of bush-walkers and foraging enthusiasts this Sprummer. Tomatoes, chillies, peppers, eggplant, tobacco and potatoes are useful relatives of the hundreds of invading Black-berry Nightshade plants we have piled up. 


In previous years volunteers had pulled out 6 wool bags of Mustard plants from this same area. TCCS crews trucked the bags to the green-waste sites for composting at very high temperatures. It’s heart-breaking for Landcare volunteers to see that there were dozens of Mustard bags-full that we weren’t able to reach this Sprummer when feral grasses and wild-oats grew to off-putting heights due to the rains. Butterflies and other pollinators were able to find the pale-yellow Mustard blooms. The cuboid seeds that result are about the size of an ‘o’, so you can imagine how many seeds fall out of each plant’s ripening pods!

It’s easy to see how each species flourishing outside of its normal range and beyond the reach of natural controls can cause significant problems whilst simultaneously being beneficial to both native and introduced animal species.  

Where are the saving graces of the ubiquitously invasive and detrimental African Lovegrass? I’ve heard the species was introduced to stabilise creek banks. Ted has spent countless hours on his daily walks daubing ALG tussocks by the hundred-fold, and Steve uses a back-pack spray for infestations across the reserve. These major individual and voluntary efforts are recorded to the Collector App by rangers of the ACT Government’s Invasive Species unit. A contractor was employed by TCCS in February to spray ALG along the paths and tracks of the reserve. It’s clear that this work was thwarted by the rain and warmth that stimulated rapid growth of small or newly germinated tussocks.

ALG is spread by mowing. The machines come into Mt Rogers in clean condition, later moving to heavily infested areas such as the Wickens Place carpark. The ALG seeds are tiny: imagine trying to clean every seed out of the nooks and crannies of machinery. Footwear, paws, wheels, wind and water also move seeds around.

The next morning Landcare working bees: Sunday 23rd May & Monday 7th June.

I am fascinated by Kurrajongs. They belong to an iconic family related to the extraordinary Bottle Trees. In the reserve there are several, and they represent a good-news, bird-dispersal story, because the parent trees’ seeds are eaten elsewhere and pooed by birds perching on one or other of ‘our’ eucalypts’ branches. I like to think that the main dispersal species are the maligned Currawongs….a ‘nasty’ species doing some good. In their large, boat-shaped pods, the Kurrajong seeds are surrounded by bristly hairs. Indigenous people used to eat the seeds raw or roasted once these hairs were removed. The photo here shows two young Kurrajongs at Theodore. 


It’s a bit difficult to describe where the Mt Rogers Kurrajongs are but there are two young ones growing outside the Hall Museum on Palmer Street. Inside there’s a display that includes Kurrajong seeds as the recent history of Halls Creek and Ginninderra’s first ‘European’ village is explained. Indigenous tools & artefacts from this region are there too. Opening hours: Thursday mornings and Sunday afternoons.

Convenor Mt Rogers Landcare Group.
6258 4724.        11.05.21. 


Below is a list of scheduled working bee dates coming up for Mt Rogers Landcare Group in 2021.

You all make contributions to the Mt Rogers Community and have done for years. If you are able to spare a couple of hours every so often, please donate another 3–4 minutes by adding these dates to your 2021 diaries or calendars.

28th February, 28th March, 25th April (Anzac Day), 23rd May, 27th June, 25th July, 22nd August, 26th September, 24th October, 28th November, 26th December (Boxing Day).

1st March, 5th April (Easter Monday), 3rd May, 7th June, 5th July, 2nd August (ACT Bank Holiday), 6th September, 4th October (ACT Labour Day), 1st November, 6th December.

We normally meet in the mornings, but both meeting venues and gathering times vary according to the anticipated activity and location. For 2–3 hours each session we focus on protecting the reserve and its native species from invading weed species.

Simultaneous to these working bees, individual volunteers additionally contribute through:

  • targeting and treating species that are an urgent problem,
  • targeting isolated invasive species specimens deeper into the reserve’s cross country areas,
  • maintaining the network of run-offs that take rainwater across the landscape, preventing erosion of the paths that hundreds of other people use each week,
  • observing and reporting on wildlife diversity and species' presence,
  • sending photographs of these species to Canberra Nature Map (CNM); that action makes a significant contribution to collective information about the ACT region’s natural estate. (You don’t need to know the species’ name because volunteer moderators attached to CNM identify the species – and your location – from the photographs.) The website explains what to do, at:
  • collecting rubbish during their daily walks, including broken glass,
  • welcoming newcomers with a smile.

In the coming weeks we can expect contractors employed by TCCS to be spraying for African Lovegrass (ALG) around the reserve. This highly invasive grass has spread throughout the ACT region and the suburbs. It will be invaluable to have this broader-scale assistance with ALG from TCCS (Transport Canberra and City Services), who are the Land Managers for Mt Rogers and other Urban Open Spaces beyond Canberra Nature Park. If you’re not sure what this grass looks like, have a look (soon) around the Wickens Place, Fraser, carpark where there is a large infestation of it.

We have asked for alert notices to be installed at Mt Rogers. Similar weed treatment may first be carried out along Ginninderra Creek at Latham before the contractors reach Mt Rogers.


 Mt Rogers Landcare Group is one of about twenty Landcare groups caring for special places in this area of Canberra. We are linked by our connection to Ginninderra Creek.

The connecting factor is rainwater feeding into the creek through the water catchments in Gungahlin, Belconnen, Hall, and Wallaroo (in NSW). In water catchments, the water drains towards the creek, flowing above ground during rain and below the surface otherwise. Ginninderra Creek’s meandering course continues beyond the ACT border out to the west of Parkwood where its waters plunge 40 m over Ginninderra Falls to reach the confluence of Ginninderra Creek with the Murrumbidgee River.

There are several sections of the gravel path around Mt Rogers that show, by their nearly permanent long grass, and green-ness, how water from the reserve’s ridgeline moved through the landscape before bulldozers moulded the reserve and the suburbs in the late sixties, early seventies. 

Water recently flowed and then oozed through our mid-Flynn blocks to reach the stormwater drains prescribed by engineers. When it reaches the drains, rainwater moves rapidly, taking fertilisers, leaf-litter, silt, chemicals and detritus to Ginninderra Creek, then to the Murrumbidgee and then to the Murrumbidgee’s downstream towns and farms.

In urban open spaces, as on Mt Rogers and in gardens being redesigned, bare soil is readily washed away unless there are plants’ deep roots and ‘leaky weirs’ to slow the rainwater and send the flow across the landscape. In natural areas, nutrients from decaying organisms and eroded silt is carried across country to fertilise and revitalise soils. 

The Mt Rogers Landcare community contributes to clean water reaching Ginninderra Creek by:

  •  studying the drainage patterns on Mt Rogers,
  • creating and maintaining effective run-offs on the cross-country paths and tracks above the main gravel path,
  • planning and implementing the restoration of one of the steep, direct paths down from the summit in partnership with TCCS and Ginninderra Catchment Group,
  • creating and maintaining an alternative and zig-zagging route to and from the summit in that eastern area,
  • collecting, daily, detritus left on the reserve’s tracks. TCCS collects rubbish from the main carpark at least once a week, and bags of dog poo are regularly collected from the specific bin by TCCS staff.


Convenor, Mt Rogers Landcare Group
ph 6258 4724