Mt Rogers’ landcare next working bee is on Sunday 26th,
meeting at Wickens Place, Fraser by 09.00am.
Continuing our efforts against Fleabane, Thistles and Verbascum.
The grasses aren’t so tall now as they die down.
Thistles and Fleabane seeds blow away on the wind so the next few days seem like last chances.
No previous experience necessary…BYO secateurs useful!!
Thank you to the TCCS mowing teams who have neatened up the reserve’s edges.
Perhaps next month we’ll have a PRIVVVVY PARTY?
A whole army of Mt Rogers community volunteers seeking and digging out Privet, Ivy and Cotoneaster seedlings like these.
These privets have germinated from a blob of bird poo after birds ate berries and brought them in from suburban gardens and public land easements.
If we have some rain they’ll dig out with small tools as we wouldn’t want to disturb the leaf litter and soil too much.
Thank you,