We’ll resume working against the rain-stimulated invasives on Monday 5th February.
Meeting at Mildenhall Place, Fraser at 09.00hrs.
It looks like being another hot day so please dress to protect against the heat and bring drinking water.
On Sunday 28th seven volunteers gathered for a walk through part of the reserve to assess priorities.
African Lovegrass is extensive in the mown areas. It’s also invading native vegetation and other introduced grass areas from some of the main tracks through the reserve.
St John’s Wort is in golden-yellow flower again throughout the reserve. Each of these infestations resulted from the regular rainfall events in the region.
On 28th more SJW was sprayed from a back-pack in the cross-country areas. This will continue, as will the consistent daubing of ALG tussocks.
We recorded Briar Roses, Privets, Cotoneaster, Honeysuckle in the area around the single tank.
Ivy, spreading round an ancient Eucalypt and at other sites, is scheduled to be tackled as a result of a grant through Ginninderra Catchment Group later in the year.
Mustard, Stickyweed, Fleabane and Paterson’s Curse plants will be thwarted or removed during our Landcare sessions.
We are updating the Mt Rogers hard-copy map showing weed infestations and how the infestations relate to the areas of quality vegetation.
Volunteers keep electronic records which show invasive species in detail.
Records of native species are augmented regularly by Landcare volunteers, showing that Mt Rogers has much more biodiversity than many would expect of a reserve that is outside the conservation-managed Canberra Nature Park network.
The biodiversity and conservation values of Urban Open Space areas around the ACT are recorded and included in a Biodiversity Network paper for the ACT.
Regionally, documentation of areas like Mt Rogers, that provide essential connectivity for birds, Sugar Gliders, possums, bats and reptiles is being updated by professional and citizen-science ecologists.
Perhaps it’s time to trawl through our individual records from the past to gather records of previous years and decades for comparisons!!
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