Dog-poo-bag dispenser and other progress, July 2020

Thanks to Allan McLean of TCCS who responded to a request for a dispenser for dog poo bags we now have both a dispenser and a bin at the Wickens Place carpark entry area (as in the photo below). 

Mick Lee, of TCCS’s depot at Charnwood organised the crews for the dispenser’s installation. At one stage there was also talk of a second dispenser location near the Schwarz Place entry but we’ll wait and see. 
Mt Rogers folk who keep the place litter-free will be able, I assume, to put your daily collections into this bin rather than take the bags of litter home. 
The ACT Litter patrol will continue regular, weekly patrolling of Wickens Place.

Two sections of the wire fencing have been deliberately flattened by vehicles. We have previously shown TCCS Operations team personnel the easily penetrated nature of the remaining fencing but having more boulders installed wasn’t feasible then. 
When Mick phoned about the latest fencing breaches I suggested that boulders were the best solution for vehicles even though they still allowed motorbikes through in the Wickens Place area.

Today Mick and TCCS Operations colleagues have been on site to assess the Wickens fencing situation. Eventually the wire fencing will be replaced with some boulders in the SW area where some boulders are already on that fenceline. Today I took the photo below, surprised to find those smaller rocks there. Perhaps a bobcat is on its way to position them.

 Mick proposes TCCS cementing bollards in round the edges of the carpark area to prevent vehicles driving into the reserve. This would include bollards at the first-reported fenceline nearest the ’swing gate’, I understand.

Full marks to Allan and Mick and his crews for turning our observations into restoration action. 

Mt Rogers Landcare Convenor
8 July 2020

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