Working bees 23 August and 7 September, and a swollen creek!

Here is a view of Mt Rogers in the misty, middle distance as taken from the Umbagong section of Ginninderra Creek at Latham on Sunday 9th August. 

We had some spectacular falls of rain in August 2004 when ‘records began’ on our newly acquired Rain Gauge but Latham folk reckoned this was the highest they’d seen a flood since 1974. 
So just in case you ever wondered where rain on the east, south and west side of Mt Rogers ended up here is one answer. And rain from the north of the ridgeline ends up in Gooroomon Ponds Creek. The confluence of the two creeks is beyond Dunlop and Jarramlee.

To return to the topic….our next working bees are scheduled for Sunday 23rd August and Monday 7th September. Let’s aim for a 09.30am start. 

On Sunday 23rd we’ll meet near the Flynn Playground off Rechner Place and mostly be using hand weeders to dig out the Flatweed and other invasive herbaceous plants that threaten the area near Rechner which is richly biodiverse. 

There’s no need to KNOW what the target weeds look like as we’ll be showing you plenty of examples. 

We’ll see how we go for a venue for Monday 7th but you’ll have noticed that there’s no shortage of Capeweed just waiting to begin flowering….good for the bees and teaching children about daisy chains but the seeds will top up the seed bank for future years on Mt Rogers and around the suburbs. 

Thanks for all you do, in diverse ways, for Mt Rogers,

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